Home > Baits, Lures, & Urines > Jameson's Ultra Blend
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Ole Grey Master Red Devil Sierra Mist
Ole Grey Master
Our Price: $7.50
Red Devil
Our Price: $7.50
Sierra Mist
Our Price: $7.50
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; grey fox gland lure 1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; red fox gland lure 1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; bobcat gland rubbing scent
Shadow Stalker Matrix Marking Scent Prairie King
Shadow Stalker
Our Price: $7.50
Matrix Marking Scent
Our Price: $7.50
Prairie King
Our Price: $7.50
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; bobcat gland lure
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; canine marking scent 1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; coyote gland lure
Lone Wolf Canines Choice Fox Cream
Lone Wolf
Our Price: $7.50
Canines Choice
Our Price: $7.50
Fox Cream
Our Price: $7.50
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; food lure

1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; Food/Curiosity Call

1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; food/gland/curiosity call

Big 4 Bucks End Magnum Cat LDC
Big 4
Our Price: $7.50
Bucks End
Our Price: $7.50
Magnum Cat LDC
Our Price: $7.50
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; Curiosity Lure

1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend Original formula; mink gland/food lure
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; long distance cat call

Jackpot Jackpot SK Long Liner Power Plus
Our Price: $9.00
Jackpot SK
Our Price: $9.00
Long Liner Power Plus
Our Price: $12.00
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend Original formula, ADC lure
1 oz bottle, Jameson's Ultra Blend Original formula, Jackpot with a slight spike of skunk
8 oz, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; fortified paste bait

Pretender Mouse Musk Oil
Our Price: $18.00
Mouse Musk Oil
Our Price: $18.00
16 oz, Jameson's Ultra Blend Original formula; new fish trout paste
16 oz, Jameson's Ultra Blend original; whole emulsified mice